Summer Storm Season is Upon Us, Is Your Equipment Ready?

With higher temperatures and extreme conditions such as rain, wind, and lightning, your critical support equipment is put to the test more than any other part of the year. Make sure you are properly prepared to weather the storm.
Over 95% of UPS failures resulting in a loss of power to critical load are caused by bad batteries. Typical life expectancy for today’s VRLA UPS batteries is 3 to 5 years. Because these batteries are connected in series, it only takes one open battery to render a full string of batteries inoperative. Don’t wait until you have a commercial power outage to find out if your batteries are available or not.
Schedule a preventive maintenance inspection and/or load test to insure you have proper battery capacity. If battery replacement is due, do not hesitate. You can be certain that the cost of a full battery replacement is a bargain compared with an unscheduled shutdown of your mission critical equipment.
Make the call. Your boss will be happy you did!
For more information visit: UPS Maintenance


Jantech Services – www.JantechUPS.com – 1800.452.6832 – web@JantechUPS.com
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Mid Atlantic: 2821 Rowland Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615
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NE Region: 119 E Central St, Suite C, Franklin, MA 02038