Downtime costs the average company in excess of $5,000 per minute!
Where are your service company’s technicians based?

Jantech Service Locations
When a Preventive Maintenance event is scheduled to take place the minimum expectations you have from your Mission Critical Equipment Service Company is for the service technicians to arrive on time, be prepared and be ready to start. After all these events take planning, cooperation and coordination with all effected parties in your organization and you want the event to go as seamlessly as possible…on time. That is why you have a Preventive Maintenance Contract, or even a Full Maintenance Contract, maybe even with a guaranteed on site response time.
So, does this mean you know where the technicians are actually based with respect to your plants physical location? After all when you read the service companies profile on the internet, they did state ‘our own technicians’ and/ or ‘nationwide service’. Heck they even stated ‘centrally located parts depot’s often with 100’s of 1,000’s of parts. You did choose the right company didn’t you?
For any service company to be able to provide ‘typical’ on-site 4 hour response time the tech needs to live 150 miles or less from your site, maybe a little more in the less populated areas or less in the metro areas, certainly far less in places like NYC metro area. More often than not 8 hours is the norm, but even that time means that the tech cannot fly there from half way across the country and hope to make it on time.
Jantech Services Inc. is an East Coast based regional service and sales company. If you go to our website we tell you who we are, where we are based and whom our management and administrative staff are. We also show you where our techs are based, and where we have partnerships with other like-minded service companies we work with and trust. Well what does that really mean?
The map above illustrates the following:
Green Pins…where our actual offices are located, and a 150 mile radius around it
15,000 sq. ft. in Tampa Florida of which > 8, 000 sq. ft. is set aside for warehousing of parts and equipment testing. Fully owned by Jantech.
8,000 sq. ft. in Raleigh North Carolina of which > 5, 000 sq. ft. is set aside for warehousing of parts and equipment testing. Fully owned by Jantech.
5,000 sq. ft. in Bangor Pennsylvania, office and warehouse – rented
1,000 sq. ft. in Franklin Massachusetts, office and warehouse – rented
Red Pins…where we have home based employees who are techs, and a 150 mile radius around them. They also have their own inventories of parts for the machines in their area
Blue Pins…headquarters of our partners, also with 150 mile radius around them
If we expanded our radius to 200 or 250 miles to illustrate…minimal reach for 8 hour response times while driving; it would further confirm that choosing Jantech as your partner is the right thing to do.

What You Need from your Mission Critical Equipment Service Company