Do you have a trained first responder on site at all times?
A company certified first responder is a person whom has had a minimum amount of training on ‘the equipment that has an issue’ and is capable of taking basic action without immediate support or outside help. Realistically however first responders are the people who will actually be in the facility when an issue occurs. They may or may not be a ‘certified first responder’ on that particular piece of equipment that has the event, or their training occurred several years in the past– now what.

When the UPS was first commissioned, someone had their 1-4 hours of operational training and the UPS technician left. Everything is fine…right? Never been a problem…right? So you are walking by the ‘UPS Room’ one evening and you hear a beeping or your computer display alerts you to a ‘UPS Alarm’…now what? …No clue? The one person who had ‘training’ has long since left the company, and you don’t even know who to call, and if you did…what would you say? There is a beeping coming from the ‘UPS Room’?
Too often the staff responsible do not know what steps to take in the event of a UPS issue or emergency, and any action or response is delayed because the “first responders” aren’t properly prepared. What is your procedure for them to follow if something does happen or go wrong?
There are initial steps that you can do yourself, including:
1) Make sure the UPS area is clean, with plenty of light and not scattered with files or discarded stuff, or dirt.
2) Have a handbook readily available that includes items such as;
a. Who to call
b. How to get into the UPS room, what to do when you get in.
i. Check for unusual smells.
ii. Check the room temperature, does it seem hot?
c. A basic ‘what to do’ with the UPS instruction sheet(s)
i. How to silence the alarm buzzer
ii. How to read the alarms/ display
iii. How to switch on/ off the UPS (or EPO if needed)
3) On a monthly basis make sure all staff know where the information is, and what to do (drills)
The information above is just an example of what should be known and available to your first responders.
Jantech Services offers First Responder training for our clients, both an initial course and refresher courses. Our training is taught on site (usually best) or in our facilities. Our courses are designed for your personnel to get a basic theory of operation of the UPS and Batteries, an understanding of your application, installation, specific operation and basic alarm troubleshooting of your UPS. We will work with you to develop the best basic routine check list, where to post instructions and who to call and when. Our training is designed to make your site more secure and ready in the event of a UPS or battery issue.
Call Jantech Services today to schedule your first responder class (note if not an existing client a site visit will be required first) 1-800-452-6832 or Request a Quote